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Disciplinary and Grievance


Session Overview


Disciplinaries can be expensive and stressful for both parties, especially if handled incorrectly. To make it fair, employment laws and legislation are there to protect the employee and the employer. Our Disciplinary and Grievance Training will help you resolve problems early, avoid escalating to a more serious level and reduce the risk of an expensive tribunal. Employers need procedures that support both the employer’s and employee's perspective. Employers should follow both their own procedures and the ACAS Code of Practice: Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures. 


Who’s it For?


  • Our disciplinary and grievance training is for anyone who needs or is interested in learning to manage or take part in these processes, wherever they may arise. It is a key tool for management identify and solve important situations. 

What’s Covered?

Absence Management


  • How to set clear standards and communicate them effectively. How clear do standards need to be, what sort of standards you should be setting and how they affect you and your business. 

  • The potential causes of grievance and how to prevent them. What does cause grievance? Fully understand how grievance has an effect on you and what steps are effective in preventing it. 

  • How to resolve issues informally and decide when formal action is needed. Formal action is not always appropriate, so it is important to learn when and when it is not needed. What situations constitute a formal investigation and why? 

The Law

  • The Acas Disciplinary and Grievance Code of Practice. Learn what the ACAS Disciplinary and Grievance Code of Practice and be able to confidently apply it within your role. 

  • The employee’s right to be accompanied. Understand this right, why it is a right and understand why the employee may opt in for this. 

  • Understand what fair reasons for dismissal are. Learn the fair reasons for dismissal and understand why someone would end up being dismissed. 

Managing Trends​

  • Methods of measuring. 

  • Return to work interviews, what are they, how they work, effectively using them. 

  • Trigger levels – Bradford Factor. Understand trigger levels and be able to assess confidently. 

  • The benefit of using Employee Assistance Programmes. Understand what the EAP is, how it works and how it affects you and your business 

Putting It All Into Practice


  • How to protect the business from Tribunal claims. What are tribunal claims, who files them and how do you protect your business from them. 

  • How to improve the organization's grievance processes. Learn your grievance process, understand it and why it sometimes needs to be used. 

  • How to conduct a grievance or disciplinary hearing. Learn the correct procedure for conducting a hearing and be able to apply this to your own role. 

  • Learn how to prepare for a disciplinary or grievance meeting. Understand what you need to bring to a meeting, how to prepare for it and what to do if things don’t go to plan. 

Session Benefits


  • Have a full understanding of disciplinary and grievance processes and how you can use these tools effectively 

  • Know how to set clear performance objectives and performance improvement plans 

  • Be able to investigate disciplinary issues and grievances 

Date & Venue
Date will be agreed once booking has been confirmed.
This training course can be run at your premises or we can provide a training venue.

Contact Details
For more information and costs please contact us on 0345 4599710  or email

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