Managing Workplace Bullying
The aim of this course is to greater increase your knowledge of bullying, harassment and changes you can make, as well as the relevant laws and legislation.
The key points covered in this course are:
Tackling the issue
Differences between bullying and harassment
Workplace culture
This session will help you understand a variety of situations and how to manage them in the fairest way.
Who’s it for?
Bullying in the workplace training can be delivered to managers at all levels of an organization. The training can be tailored to your objectives and reflect your existing policies. ​
What’s Covered?
Bullying and Harassment
What is it? Be able to confidently explain what Bullying and Harassment is and be able to explain the effect it has on you, your team and the victims. Understand the long-term effects it will have on your business.
Sensitivities. Confidently understand what sensitivities people could have, how this can affect them long term, how it can affect the workplace and be able to create a plan to accommodate them.
Overt and Covert Bullying. What are they? What do they mean? Be able to explain what Overt and Covert bullying is, what effect it has on you, your workforce and your business. How to identify and prevent Overt and Covert bullying.
Features. What are the features of classic bullying?
Organizational Factors
How does bullying develop and thrive? Fully be able to identify the pattern that Bullying follows to develop and thrive in your workplace. Understand the steps that you need to take to eradicate the bullying within your team and why this needs to be done.
Organizational policy. Do you know your organizational policy? Does your team know? Be able to confidently explain what your policy is, how it helps you and how it affects your workforce.
Tough Management or Bullying? Be able to accurately identify the different parts of Tough Management and Bullying and be able to discern between the two.
The Law
Legal Implications. Be able to identify the different legal actions that can be taken as a result of bullying and harassment. Understand fully the huge impact that this will have on your workplace and your team.
Changing legislation. Understand your current legislation and be able to assess how much and what impact it has on you and your team. Be able to quickly adapt to legislations as needed.
Individual responsibility. What is Individual responsibility? Understand what this responsibility entails and make sure your team understands what their individual responsibilities are.
Different intervention levels. What are the intervention levels? Fully understand each level and what it means, how it affects you and your team, and how to match the different interventions to the respective situation.
How do you approach a problem – what determines it? What determines your approach to a situation? Learn about the different approaches you can take and how they affect different people. Understand how to match the different approaches to their respective situations.
Informally dealing with situations. How do YOU deal with an informal situation? Learn how to more effectively deal informal situations, how your actions affect different people and your team and learn about problems and their matching solutions.
Session Benefits
Understand what the differences are between bullying and harassment and the similarities
Learn the importance of zero tolerance bullying policies and handling complaints both formally and informally
Date & Venue
Date will be agreed once booking has been confirmed.
This training course can be run at your premises or we can provide a training venue.
Contact Details
For more information and costs please contact us on 0345 4599710 or email